Core Strengthsicon3

We pride ourselves on the follow core strengths.

  • Strategic social performance guidance, implementation support and practical solutions within our clients’ corporate policy and regulatory framework.
  • Experience, and strong analytical skills and expertise in various aspects of social performance management, backed up by academic qualifications and client testimonials.
  • Bespoke methodologies, plans and tools to manage social impact, risk and performance.
  • Capacity building and skills transfer while working with our clients on developing management plans, risk assessments, monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
  • Strong quantitative and qualitative research skills and experience of many different research techniques in different settings, from deep rural to technology-driven online studies.
  • Techno-leverage:
    • Flexible and powerful online survey platform, strong programming skills
    • Structured interviews guided by survey software loaded on tablets and other electronic devices
    • Real-time data capturing
    • Auto-reporting on survey progress
    • GPS tracking of fieldworkers
  • Experience of, and sensitivity towards traditional customs, cultures and community power-dynamics.
  • Skilful use of qualitative research methods to complement quantitative findings and unravel complicated socio-political dynamics within communities or stakeholder groups.
  • Advanced statistical data analysis skills and experienced users of specialist software for data analysis and interactive reporting (e.g. SPSS, R, Power BI, Atlas), ensuring results and reports are accessible to clients.